Our school operates from Prep to Year 6.
We have a distinct focus on the improvement of our student's literacy skills. As such, our school resourcing and importantly, curriculum overview, is tailored towards this focus. Our pedagogical approach to reading and spelling instruction is research based, fast paced and consistent across each and every individual classroom. We pride ourselves on our approach to reading and spelling instruction and the fact we offer daily instruction in these two areas.
The school’s curriculum program includes the following Key Learning Areas:
English, Mathematics, Science, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Languages other than English (LOTE) – Mandarin Chinese, HASS (History and Social Sciences) and Technology.
Music is a feature of the school. We offer Choir, as well as a Strings Instrumental Music Program.
The school based assessment framework, together with state-wide testing, tracks individual student and group progress and we subsequently use this data, to drive our school focus and improvement agendas.